
Select your shipping country to find out shipping costs and return options

0.00 £ *

  • Attention: any customs duties or any other hidden costs for shipping costs to countries outside the EU are the sole responsibility of the customer.

    Delivery takes place via our shipping partners directly to the address indicated by the consumer. Each incoming order is processed and prepared for shipment within 24/48 hours (working days). Our shipping partner delivers the ordered goods within 48/96 hours (Estimated delivery time: this date may be delayed in the event of major forces, such as labor unrest in the transportation sector or periods such as Black Friday and the holiday season). Delivery times extend by 1 or 2 days if delivery takes place in distant areas or on an island. To avoid delays in delivery, our shipping partner needs a complete address including house number and zip code and a telephone number in case they need to contact you by phone. For the same reason it would also be very useful to indicate an address where the courier can deliver during working hours. Orders are shipped only upon advance payment. The goods remain the property of Trerè Innovation s.r.l. Unipersonale until the payment is completed.

  • Delay in delivery and unavailability of the goods

    This online shop is directly linked to our logistics. Thanks to this link it is possible to show our customers the availability of individual items immediately. In exceptional cases, there may be a temporary unavailability of the requested item and therefore a delay in delivery. In this case our customer care will take care to contact the customer to inform him immediately. We therefore reserve the exceptionally right to make partial deliveries.

  • During transportation

    After receiving the package, please check the goods. If it is damaged, please notify the courier immediately, as the courier is responsible for delivering the goods in excellent condition. In any case, please also contact us via the contact form.