Gratis frakt over 489.77kr |Gratis retur
Akademi for forskning og utvikling innen bekledning og idrett
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Innovasjon er den evige jakten på bedre løsninger. AREAS er stedet der vi forestiller oss fremtiden og arbeider for å skape en bedre verden.
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Konstruert og utviklet av AREAS hvert år
har testet AREAS-produkter med suksess
Internasjonale priser
for innovasjon, kvalitet og design
eid av AREAS
Bestill din eksperimentelle tur i AREAS
Oppdag fremtiden først. Og test UYNs tekniske klær
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Opplevelsesturene arrangeres fra mandag til fredag med start kl. 09.00, unntatt helligdager.
Reservasjon er obligatorisk og kan gjøres ved å klikke på knappen BOOK YOUR VISIT. Du vil bli kontaktet av våre ansatte for å avtale nærmere detaljer om besøket, overnatting og transportkostnader.
  • GRATIS for kunder som har kjøpt minst ett UYN-produkt (kjøpsbevis kreves).
  • 20,00 € Fullprisbillett
  • € 15,00 Redusert for grupper (min. 5, maks. 20 personer)
  • GRATIS for barn under 10 år
  • Prisene gjelder kun AREAS-turen, overnatting og transfer er ikke inkludert.
Interaktive opplevelser
  • Brain unit

    Test your neuro-reactivity

    Measure your motor skills, cognitive skills and peripheral vision with Reax Lights Pro. Run on the Reaxing treadmill, designed to perform sudden inclinations in every direction to reproduce outdoor conditions. Hop on a TITICI bike and analyse your performance. The Brain Unit is the avant-garde place where we 'squeeze' our athletes and collect scientific data.

  • Meet Hyper

    The never-tired athlete

    Hyper is our new generation thermal mannequin. There are only five models of this type in the world. This advanced scientific device reproduces the physiological reactions of the human body during sport (sweating, warming up, cooling down) and provides the values of breathability and thermal resistance of the garments it wears. Comfort is scientifically measured.

  • In the artic and in the tropics

    Apparel testing in extreme conditions

    Enter the Arctic Chamber and discover the thermal power of UYN apparel at -20° temperature. A thermal imaging camera shows your body's reactions and heat distribution. Take a closer look at the waterproof capabilities of our Membrain115® membrane in the Monsoon Chamber, under a relentless downpour.

  • Biotechnology unit

    Where we grow biomaterials

    Research and development in the textile sector are reaching a new level. Laboratory results can be incorporated into the development process directly. With internationally proven test equipment, investigations on fibres, threads and fabrics are carried out to determine their behaviour under stress and to constantly improve them.

  • Creativity floor

    Thinking out-of-the-box

    An entire floor dedicated to creativity? That's right! Ideas do not take up space, but require interaction and sharing. On the Creativity Floor you can meet our design teams for apparel, footwear, marketing and communication. Take a seat in the Brainstorming Room, touch the natural ingredients that make up our products in the Bio-Lab, discover the latest textile technologies in the Tech Zone.

  • Trerè Innovation Factory

    Follow the thread

    Production is where technology and tradition, craftsmanship and engineering meet. Everything starts from a thread, which gives life to an whole world with our circular knitting technology. Walking through the rows of machines, you may come across the technical underwear of the Italian national ski team, or the functional socks for Omar Di Felice's next adventure.

  • UYN Show-room

    Take a peek at the new collections... a year in advance!

    In our showroom, we don’t just show the products we created, but anticipate the collections that will hit the market two seasons later. The innovations are narrated by our technicians and explained through engaging graphics.

  • Logistic Hub

    Explore the robot-based warehouse

    Robots that move at a height of 7 metres as if they were on a chessboard. The player is the Artificial Intelligence that imparts the correct actions to fulfil orders within seconds. Visiting our robot warehouse is a playful yet fascinating experience.

  • Asola Concept Store

    Immerse yourself in the UYN world

    An exclusive shopping experience in our first Flagship Store. A 200 square metre space where design, technology and sustainability come together to present you with our entire brand collection.

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Bli værende
Overnatt på boutiquehoteller og overnattingssteder som vi samarbeider med, og oppdag våre lokale produkter.
Bestill en omvisning
Sykling langs Mincio-sykkelstien, trekking på Monte Baldo, løping langs Gardasjøens bredder: Uansett hvilken sport du liker best, kan vi gi deg råd om de beste opplevelsene. Vi tar oss av utstyret!
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Kunnskap er makt.
Å dele kunnskap er nøkkelen til å frigjøre denne kraften.